“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: 

and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding.” Prov. 9:10

Who We Are

Keystone Christian Homeschoolers, a ministry of Keystone Baptist Church (Berryville, VA), is a homeschool co-op of gospel-centered families that gather together weekly to study art, music, P.E., public speaking and more from a Biblical worldview.

Our costs are low because parents share the teaching responsibilities. Classes are taught in a one-room schoolhouse style with all ages (including toddlers and infants) learning together. We serve families in Berryville, Winchester, Stephens City, West Virginia and the surrounding areas.

What We Do

During the school year, Keystone Christian Homeschoolers meets one morning a week at Keystone Baptist Church in Berryville, VA. Academic content is currently geared toward 3rd grade and younger, but will expand as our families grow.

Our co-op assemblies begin with prayer, pledges to the American flag, Christian flag, and Bible, and reciting our theme verse (Prov. 9:10). In addition to the academic subjects listed below, we regularly host field trips, play dates and other extracurricular activities that foster relationships outside of the classroom.

Our families use a variety of curriculum at home and some are also enrolled in Keystone Christian Academy’s School-At-Home program, for which participation in our co-op fulfills elementary credits for music, P.E. and art.


Lessons in singing, recorder, famous composers and orchestra to teach children to appreciate godly music and to make a joyful noise unto the Lord.


Lessons in drawing, painting, handicrafts and famous artists to cultivate an appreciation for beauty and develop skills to express God-given creativity in order to bless others and glorify God.

Physical Education

Lessons in personal fitness, sports, classic games and health to teach children to be good stewards of their bodies and expose them to a variety of ways to get healthy exercise.

Public Speaking

Two minute show-and-tell style presentations with questions and compliments after to help children be comfortable speaking in front of others so that they will be prepared to speak truth boldly.

Unit Studies

Lessons that incorporate a variety of subjects (music, art, social studies, science, literature, etc.) around any one theme (dinosaurs, Civil War, Thailand, etc.) to spark a love of learning and expose children to a wide variety of knowledge. 

Science (Optional)

Abeka science lessons to teach children to appreciate and better understand God’s amazing creation.

How to Join

As a homeschool co-op, parents are highly involved in teaching and leading; members are thus held to high spiritual standards, ensuring that our group provides a godly influence for our children.

If you are interested in learning more, please download our membership packet, which includes our requirements for membership, statement of faith, policies and application.

Contact Us

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Keystone Christian Homeschoolers exists to disciple students so that they love truth, live truth and serve Jesus Christ in the local church.

  • 15 Keystone Lane, Berryville, VA 22611